Ruth, M., O. Ozgun, J. Wachsmuth, A. Blohm, R. Gasper, S. Gobling-Reisemann, T. Eikemeier, N. Karlstetter, S. Stuhrmann. (February 2014). Dynamics of Energy transitions under climate chnage in northwest Germany. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, San Diego, CA.
Blohm, A. 2014. (January 27, 2014). The significance of regulation and land use patterns on natural gas resource estimates in the Marcellus shale. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
Blohm, A. 2014. (January 29, 2014). The significance of regulation and land use patterns on natural gas resource estimates in the Marcellus shale. PJM, Audubon, PA.
Ruth, M., O. Özgün, J. Wachsmuth, A. Blohm, R. Gasper, S. Gößling-Reisemann, T. Eickemeier, N. Karlstetter, S. Stührmann. (2013 February). Dynamics of Energy Transitions under Climate Change in Northwest Germany. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. San Diego, CA.
Blohm, A. and E. Gilmore. (2012 November). A techno-economic and environmental assessment of transporting bulk energy. Trans-Atlantic Infraday (TAI). Washington, DC.
Blohm, A. 2012 (April 4, 2012). Modeling perfectly competitive and monopolist firms using Stella software. University of Maryland, Public Policy Program, PUAF746-Dynamic Modeling for Environmental Investment and Policy Making.
Ruth, M., A. Blohm, R. Gasper. (2012 February). Dynamic modeling of regional climate adaptation needs and options. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. Kauai, HI.
Blohm, A., C. Smith, J. Peichel, and N. Bowen. (2011 November). Impact of shale gas policy on domestic and international natural gas markets. Informs Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC.
Blohm, A., J. Peichel (2011 November). An estimate of the technically recoverable but unproven natural gas reserves in the Marcellus shale play given current shale gas regulatory environment. 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference on Applied Infrastructure Modeling and Policy Analysis.
Blohm, A and B. Gasper. (2010 August). Exploring the link between inequality and costs of climate events: an assessment of vulnerability to climate change in urban areas. International Society for Ecological Economics 11th Biennial Conference, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.
Shim, Y., A. Blohm, S. Williamson et al. 2010 (June 9, 2010). Maryland Offshore Wind Development: Regulatory Environment, Potential Interconnection Points, Simplified Investment Model, and Select Conflict Areas. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)- Workshop in Modeling Energy Systems and Markets, Trondheim, Norway.
Ruth, M, A. Blohm, S. Williamson, Y. Shim, P. Fagiolo, D. Lang, J. Yang, V. Polcharoensook. 2010. Maryland offshore wind development: regulatory context, grid interconnection, conflict areas, economic viability and emissions displacement. Annual meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. Monterey, CA.
Blohm, A., P. Vaidya, M. Ruth. (2010 April). Review. Temperature-mortality relationships in urban areas – methods and applications to Boston, Massachusetts and Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Washington, DC.
Blohm, A., J. Becker, N. Kaza, et al. (February 2010). Envisioning a Sustainable Maryland: Comparing Alternative Development Scenarios Considering Energy Consumption and Water Quality. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. Sedona, AZ.
Blohm, A. and M. Ruth. (February 2009). Climate Impacts and Response Options at Local Scales: Lessons from Five Industries in Pennsylvania, USA. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. Napa Valley, CA.
Clifton, K., A. Blohm and R. Lewis (2007, October). Smart Spending? A Closer Look at Maryland’s Transportation Budgets. Smart Growth at 10 Conference, College Park, MD.